Too Much

Mis queridos,
 Sorry the email is late coming this week all, we went to the temple today so our P-day changed. First, since it was thanksgiving I am ssoooo thankful for all of you!!!! And now since its December a note about Christmas: the best present would be a nice letter(like a real one) telling me a bit about your life but most importantly your testimony, or a thought about Christ. #Lighttheworld this Christmas! Oh also I'm on Facebook now!! As a missionary our efforts are focused on our area still but feel free to like and share my posts. Ok now I'm going to try to remember what happened the past almost two weeks.
 The first week I was feeling pretty good and we got a referral from the English Elders to teach this lady who wanted sisters. She is super awesome and so prepared! She dated a guy who was Mormon and so when we asked her what she had heard about the Book of Mormon she said, oh im already in Mosiah. We were like whaaat? Shes the best she desires so much to know Gods will for her. She is now on date for baptism and confirmation!
  Thanksgiving we were well taken care of. The family introduced us to a less active sister and her boyfriend who are super awesome and we hope to teach them. I felt so much love for them as we all expressed our gratitude and shared our testimonies of Jesus Christ. It was one of those days where I saw the ways my experience with my Dad's death could bless others when I learned the sisters' Dad had passed away when they were teenagers. This isnt the first time this has happened either. Our trials can lift others! 
  [Se]'s baptism was super cool! It was more stressful than I thought it would be to coordinate everything. But I know the Lord is so pleased with Him! He had so much family there to support him it was super awesome.
   We had a really cool miracle the other day where the Lord provided someone super prepared through an awesome member referral. Great new investigator from that! She is from Puerto Rico and is really looking for peace in this life like her mom had, who died from cancer but was really peaceful about it. I really believe the prepared are out there and the Lord will help us find them. 
  This Monday we had a super awesome zone meeting where we put names behind our zone goal for baptisms for December. We all prayed a lot to confirm our goals and it was awesome to see us missionaries working together and follow the Spirit.
  I'll talk more about our awesome zone conference on Monday but overall I felt desire to really do my best because I want to have a fullness of joy from my mission! I've been studying in Alma this week about those really awesome Book of Mormon missionaries and I really want to feel like Ammon, "Now was not this exceeding joy? Behold, this is joy which none receiveth save it be the truly penitent and humble seeker of happiness" (Alma 27:18) 
Love you all!
Hermana Alley

Companions, district and zone at the temple!
