Hail to the Prophet, Ascended to Heaven!
Mi querida familia y amados amigos,
It was a pretty amazing week actually! Too much to tell but wow, what a time to be a missionary to say the least. Our dear prophet President Monson has reunited with his Savior. My companion and I could barely plan the morning afterwards because we were crying, but mostly I'm filled with a reverant respect for this dear man. Not every missionary goes through a change of the prophet on their mission. We will be testifying soon that someone new is the Lord's mouthpiece on the earth in these latter-days. I invite you all to learn for yourself through prayer about the divine calling of God's new prophet. This is an important thing for all of us to do.
Favorite quote: "May we ever choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong."
My companion and I had the privilege of going to temple square that very night. (You know you're in Utah when you see billboards saying "In Loving Memory" of President Monson) We took some new investigators through the conference center tour and were able to tell them about the book of mormon and prophets through the paintings everywhere. They were really fascinated by the idea of conference. We loved it and we are so excited for their progress! One of them said in a recent lesson that he firmly believes that God's church is on the earth today! Wow!
Side note I hope you all know that my emails aren't the best reflection of actual missionary life. It's literally only a couple highlights. Missionary life is very difficult to describe accurately. But I assure you that I do love being a missionary! I've never been doing anything more worthwhile in my life. That being said, I am pretty stressed on a normal basis and things are for sure hard. Good thing this is the Lord's work!
We had a really cool stake conference this weekend and they talked a ton about missionary work and the book of mormon which made us really happy haha. One of the bishops gave a really good suggestion that I'd like to extend to all of you who aren't sure how to get involved in missionary work. Take two books of mormon and write your brief testimony in it and just give it to the missionaries! Then ask them to call you when they have a lesson with the person they give the book to so you can go with them. I can promise you sweet experiences with the Spirit will follow!
God is so good and I love all of you!
Mucho amor,
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