Aim High

Mis Queridos,
Here comes the last week of the transfer! I just want to bear my testimony that God blesses the goals that we make. Sister Garbett and I have been elevating our vision lately and now have a goal to find 10 new investigators every week and we ended up finding 9 this week! Yay! My favorite lessons are those people who are really listening and start thanking us for visiting them because their heart was open to have the Spirit touch them.
  I just wanted to share some of the goals we've been making to work with the members of our ward and extend the same challenge to you. The missionaries around the world are there to support each of you with your own family and friends. So here's the challenge: start praying for God to help you know someone specific to start sharing the gospel with. It can start super small! But as God leads you to a specific person, pray for their heart to be softened. And for the eyes to see opportunities. The goal would be inviting them to something where they could meet the missionaries, church, family home evening, game night, tour of the church, whatever! I can promise you that as you open your own heart to the Spirit that it will tell you who you can help. Specific prayers yield specific miracles! Get the work going in the world right where you are, #FloodtheEarth
 I know that Christ lives and loves each of us and there is no way we can be too far away to come back to Him. Quick experience, there was a member we were talking to explaining his doubts and questions that God could hear his prayers because of the mistakes he has made. At first I really wasn't sure how to respond, but as I opened my mouth the Spirit helped me know what to say. I told him that it isn't in God's nature to not listen to us. He is always reaching out to us and wanting us to feel his love, but sometimes we aren't in a position to hear him because we don't have His Spirit. That is the miracle of forgiveness! We can have the Spirit with us again and feel God's love!  
Shoutout: Happy birthday to my bro Anton!
Love you all,
Hermana Adison Alley
