Never Thought I would Be Able To Say This
Hola gente que yo amo!
The #unity aka Hermana Alley and Hermana Garbett team are staying together!! Here's to seven and a half months in my first area! #ActuallyCalledtoMillcreekUT My sister got transferred a lot in her mission, so I guess I'm destined to never leave haha! We got transfer calls this weekend, for some reason our zone was the last to know what was going to happen.
Another thing I never thought would happen: I participated in a WAVE in the CONFERENCE CENTER! Haha it was the best thing ever! So here in Salt Lake they had an event for part of RootsTech called "La Luz de Naciones", a celebration of latin culture. So my companion and I, an investigator, and a couple members joined some 20,000 people in this concert of remembering ancestors and honoring culture. I LOVE the latin culture!! It reminded me of going to concerts at Byu, such high quality, beautiful music and dancing. You all can check it out on! roadcasts/watch/latino-event-m y-family/2018/03?cid=HP_SA-3-3 -2018_dFHD_fBCAST_xLIDyM_&lang =eng
I also never thought I would stop being a teenager. I am now in my 20's whaaat?! Time is not the same on a mission. I don't feel like I've aged. Thanks everyone so much for your little happy birthday notes, sorry I can't respond to everyone! Love you! Shoutout to Sister Grizzell who sent me a birthday party in a box- my district threw me a surprise party on Friday for District meeting and then some investigators gave me a big tres leches cake wow so much cake!
Some miracles, one day this week and a couple other times we kept being in the right place at the right time, like just as people were getting home to their apartment and we found two Venezuelan ladies who are just awesome. There are some crazy things happening in Venezuela, and a lot of people are coming here to Salt Lake. A lot of scary things in the world actually. I've been thinking of how to help people so worried about these things, and the opportunity came when we were visiting some less active members from Venezuela who were in tears worried about their family. I shared Romans 8. Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ! The hard things we go through right now are so short in eternal perspective. I know that God loves us so much and the way to happiness is exactly what he has showed us. Another cool experience, all four of us missionaries in our ward did a "Face to Face" with the youth and it was cool to feel the Spirit work though us as we answered their questions. It was fun to talk about why we decided to go on missions and what helped us in high school. The Church is true! P.s. We found the fourth floor last door haha
Mucho Amor,
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