The Refiner's Fire

  Couple thoughts today, since it hasn't been that long. Sister Garbett and I had to get a pep talk last night because we've both been worn out by opposition lately. 
  Something cool this week was that we had a fun pass off lesson with the English elders. We found a young man tracting a couple weeks ago and taught him a time or two. It's part of our recent effort to find the Lord's prepared everywhere, whether they speak Spanish or not. It was really fun to work together to explain how the Spirit feels to this young man. I loved hearing him say that he feels like he is ready for a more spiritual part of his life. He's been feeling lost lately and searching for the light. Golden! His grandpa is a member of the church and had shared his testimony with him. The young man attempted to describe this warm feeling he had in his heart. It really is hard to describe, but for me I think it's like warmth and love filling my heart. And then I just know that something is true! Like the gospel, I know the gospel is true :) 
  My favorite(well, one of my favorite) part of the mission is to watch people change. One of our investigators from Colombia is getting baptized this Saturday and his heart is definitely being changed by the Spirit of the Lord. He has such a desire to change his life to what he was before. He sure has some funny questions, but he knows one important thing for sure: when you are obedient, God blesses you. When you're not, everything falls apart. I know that is so true! God has given us commandments as a pattern of happiness, and I know now more than I ever did before that any other way we try other than God's way will ultimately not make us happy. I have seen myself change as well as I put my plan aside and try to trust in God's plan for me. 
  A thought from this Sunday from my Bishop, he said simply having a testimony is not enough. And then he said something that hit me hard: The devil also knows that God lives. And he chose another path. My bishop said the difference we must make is in the small sacrifices, the little things we do each day, to feed the flame of our belief. Wow so true. 
  Shoutout to Aunt Annie for the DELICIOUS cookies! And my member friend who took a trip to Provo to bring that package to me and a package from my sister. And the care package from my Mom. Love you all! Funny thing about Valentine's day, in Spanish its "dia de amor y amistad", so day of love and friendship haha. So don't forget to give lots of love to your friends too! And remember that God loves you!
Mucho amor,

Hermana Adison Alley

P.S. For those in Utah, tickets for the Jordan River Temple open house are online, reserve them now! The sisters in our mission will be among the tour guides there :)

A member in Hermana Alley's ward drove down to Provo to pick up a few things for her,
so some of her family members living in Provo put together a little Valentine's Day package for her :)
