
Showing posts from December, 2017

The Savior's Birth and Other Good News

Feliz Navidad mis queridos!!   Christmas was a pretty emotional day but I loved seeing my family and having the chance to share my testimony with them. SOooo much happened this week. First it was the week of crazy occurences. Monday we taught a golden family, Tuesday my trainee had a serious allergic reaction to hidden peanuts and we had to cancel our appointments the rest of the night, Wednesday was our first big snow and it was exciting to see Hermana Coleman get really excited, Thursday was a last minute trip to Temple Square, Friday was I don't even know, Saturday our bathroom flooded and we spent all morning getting help and cleaning it up, then later that day turned into a finding day of miracles, and then I'll talk more about Sunday and Monday. There's just too much to say like always so I'll try to pick a few choice experiences.    As we walked through an apartment complex I had a missionary reward moment as we ran into a girl we had contacted before. Last t...

Babies Training Babies

Feliz Navidad y Paz en la Tierra!   WOW what a week. Classic missionary ups and downs. I love training!!! Let me introduce the wonderful Hermana Coleman, my greenie! She is from Laie, Hawaii, and she also came from the Mexico Mtc, like I did. The moment we met each other we had a feeling we would be companions, it was pretty cool. I was so excited and I was sure I would like the leadership opportunity and be influenced by that greenie fire again. My expectations were high and yes it's been cool, but of course I found that it is also hard. I'm new myself and though I know my area, it's been a challenge to have the whole responsibility on my shoulders. I told her off the bat that we'll be learning together and I'm pretty sure God wants me to learn from her more than she needs to learn from me haha. I'm learning to teach Hermana Coleman and I have been super proud of her, she has a powerful testimony about afflictions becoming blessings. Our first night I had...

Just One Soul

Holaaaa Familia!!   This was quite a week! Blink of an eye yet so much happens, like always. First things first, transfers are tomorrow aaaaahhh!! We got the call  on Sunday  morning that Sister Dorsey will be leaving and I will be staying in our area. Sad but we've learned a lot from each other and seen miracles and God has more in store for us in the future! Less than an hour ago President Hillier called and extended the call to me to be a TRAINER!! I just finished my training and now I'm getting a greenie!! I'm actually so excited, greenie's are the best and I'm looking forward to getting a boost to my missionary spirit.    My mission is so funny, around transfer time, when the missionaries change areas and companions, people spread the word about who is going where and they call it "transfer doctrine".    I have since given up on trying to explain everything that happens in missionary life. This week I would say our focus was on [E], our inve...


Hola!!   It's only been a couple days but so much still happens. I also just realized how scatterbrained my last email was and I'm sorry this one probably will be too. I didn't even explain my last email title! Ok so quick experience, when the English elders sent us over to find this lady named Amber, all we knew about her was that she owned a jeep. One day we decided to try and find her in the apartment building behind the jeep. And no joke, the first door we knock on, Oh sisters! I've been meaning to call you! MILAGROS. So my last email title, "too much" along with just a lot happening lately, is inspired by her. She has a super cute relationship with her son, and instead of embarrassing each other by calling out "love you!" when they say bye, they just say "too much!" Sooo cute.    Anyway, we had [S]'s baptism this Saturday! Finally! It was so beautiful, quite stressful though since her family was late, but it was so wonderful to...

Too Much

Mis queridos,  Sorry the email is late coming this week all, we went to the temple today so our P-day changed. First, since it was thanksgiving I am ssoooo thankful for all of you!!!! And now since its December a note about Christmas: the best present would be a nice letter(like a real one) telling me a bit about your life but most importantly your testimony, or a thought about Christ. #Lighttheworld this Christmas! Oh also I'm on Facebook now!! As a missionary our efforts are focused on our area still but feel free to like and share my posts. Ok now I'm going to try to remember what happened the past almost two weeks.  The first week I was feeling pretty good and we got a referral from the English Elders to teach this lady who wanted sisters. She is super awesome and so prepared! She dated a guy who was Mormon and so when we asked her what she had heard about the Book of Mormon she said, oh im already in Mosiah. We were like whaaat? Shes the best she desires so much to...