
Showing posts from September, 2017

This Greenie is so BLESSED

Hermana Alley with her mission president and his wife, "This is the Place" monument in Salt Lake City Holaaaa Familia y Amigos!!  Oh my I just wish I could hug all of you, the love that Heavenly Father blesses his missionaries with to share with others is so much. Also because I have a taste of what it means to be a real missionary now, I respect all missionaries and returned missionaries everywhere so much more now! Thank all of you amazing people for serving the Lord with all your heart!! This is demanding stuff. If I wasn't here for the reasons I am, no one could convince me to do it.   OK so, I'm going to start with talking about the Salt Lake City East mission! Any of you out there who don't think Utah is diverse, you would be surprised! I am covering the Mill Creek 3rd ward(Spanish speaking) with my trainer  Hermana Dorsey and we've met people from (get ready for this list) Iraq, Bosnia, Brazil, Guatemala, China, Colombia, Mexico, Holland, Gha...

Casi Latina

Holaaa Familia y Amigos!    Aaaah I have so little time and I don't even know where to start so I am so sorry this is going to be a scatterbrained email. First, my CCM experience is coming to an end! I fly out  on Monday  to Salt Lake and will stay in the mission home that night! Crazy thing is, if I understand the email right,  on Tuesday  morning I will be traveling to the Provo MTC with my mission president to pick up the missionaries there! Which is so crazy for me because I thought I wouldn't see Provo again for 18 months. Its going to be hard driving through there knowing I have many friends and family members there and I cant see them! My people in Provo, know that I am waving to you the morning of  September 19 !   So much always happens but Ill just pick a few things to share right now. First, at the  Tuesday  devotional this week I sang with the CCM choir, and we sang the EFY medley, the Army of Helaman and Sisters...

Power and Productivity

Amada Familia y Queridos Amigos, *Sister Training Leaders are experienced sister missionaries who train, encourage and uplift other sisters serving around them.  Oh MY the CCM is a powerful place! I can't even describe it. I'll start with the biggest news of the week, my companion and I were called to be Sister Training Leaders for our zone for our last two weeks!! It's a responsibility, but I'm grateful for it. Responsibility makes me work harder. It's actually pretty fun, we just get to work on being really good friends with our Hermanas :) Our zone received a new district of missionaries on Tuesday , and it was surreal for me to greet them. I feel like I was just in their place and I related so much to the overwhelmed look in each of their eyes. I felt so much love for them and testified to them about the power God will give them here- and it felt strange to do so in English! So weird to be in a position now to give advice. I'm in the middle of ...